The ESG Regulatory framework has known an unparalleled development for the last few years and the trend is only accelerating….
L’ère de Bâle IV est à nos portes avec divers challenges à adresser. Parmi ceux-ci, on peut lister : Sur le…
Le 17 février 2021, deux ordonnances réformant le marché de la Protection Sociale Complémentaire ont été ratifié. De ce fait,…
Anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) compliance continue to be some of the main challenges that banks and companies are facing, both…
The 12th edition of the Aurexia APAC regulatory newsletter is now available. If you want to subscribe to our RegWatch,…
How to tackle recent regulatory guidelines on loans and credit risk regulatory reporting ?
Among the many regulatory initiatives and requests, the Loan Tapes (LT), Valuation Data Set (VDS), Loan Origination & Monitoring (LOM)…
To get the full version of the Luxembourg RegWatch, please subscribe by sending an email to 1. CSSF communication on SFDR…
Alors que le calendrier 2020 apparaissait particulièrement chargé en début d’année, la crise COVID-19 a entrainé le report des principales…
Sustainable Finance accelerates its development since last years. Main contributors to such evolution are shifting investor’s consciousness and a strong political will to accelerate transition towards more sustainable business. Regulatory scope for sustainable activities is…
Le calendrier réglementaire lié à la finance durable s’accélère et se précise en Europe. En juin 2020, une avancée significative a été…